
Brosden Laughs

My son has many great gifts. He's smart and good-natured and athletically gifted. But his absolutely greatest gift is his ability to laugh. He sees the humor in things and drops to the ground rolling in laughter, infecting everyone around him.

Here are three pictures just from today, all at different times (awww, he just came up to see what I was doing and gave me a hug). I told him I was writing about what a terrible pizza-burning son he was (which is still in the sink if anyone's hungry).

Here he's practicing his baseball swing by hitting stones from the driveway. I pointed that he's hitting them in the direction of the road and asked what he'd do if he hit a passing car. He said "Run for it?"

Maybe I need a few more pages in that parenting book idea of mine :-)

Actually he grinned as he said it and then changed the direction he was hitting in. I pointed out that he was now hitting in the direction of the house next door.

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