
10,000 Kisses in The Air

Samurai Teaching ~ Sensational Living recently had its 10,000th visitor. A little over one year ago I came home from a class on blogging and didn't want to forget what I had learned. So I posted a poem I had written for my daughter Iszabella-Esperanza called "Kisses in the Air".

When she saw it, she and her sisters and brother thought it was so cool I began to post more as a sort of multi-media memory book for them. Soon I began to receive positive comments from around the world and began to share ideas and thoughts that made sense to me.

Good intentions can create good things in life. This blog started off with one real, well-intentioned kiss, and has been given 10,000 back. Now that's a lot of love!

Here's the post that started it all. Click the title to go to the actual post and read the comments I received. After you read them you'll see why I continued to write. Thank you to those first 10 people, I only knew one of them. Encouraging words DO make a difference and ARE very powerful.

Kisses in the Air

I wrote this in my head as I watched my seven-year-old daughter, Iszabella, play her first softball game.

Through the chain link fence,
I see a little girl.

She's playing in the outfield.
Playing in her own little world.

She keeps glancing over,
making sure Daddy's still there.

I kiss my hand and blow on it,
Sending her kisses in the air.

Whenever I feel down, I think of my children and realize how fortunate I am to be their father.

- Adam Stuart
July 27, 2006


Anonymous said...

I wait in anxious anticipation to read your writings everyday. :)
Jan from SD

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your 10,000 visitors. I'm sure that that is only the tip of the ice berg. When there's a talent like yours, everyone wants to read what you have to share. I hope you will inspirer and enlighten us for many more years to come. tj

Unknown said...

That is terrific. Thank you both very, very much.