
Teacher as Musician

Every teacher has an influence on every student he or she teaches. No matter how imperceptible, the words used, looks given, and beliefs imparted play upon the strings of the student like a musician playing a harp. Over time, these influences effect the tones played out in their adult lives.

"Education, more than anything else,
demands not only a scientific acquaintance with mental laws,
but the nicest art in the detail and the application of means
for its successful prosecution;

because influences, imperceptible in childhood,
work out more and more broadly into beauty or deformity,
in after-life.

No unskilled hand should ever play upon a harp, where the tones are left,
forever, in the strings

- Horace Mann
"His Ideas and Ideals" (1936)


Anonymous said...

Mr. Stuart, your words have touched my heart. You have made me the way i am today. I wish to thank u for all that u have done for everybody last year and what u r doin now to the same kind of students that u had before! I wish u again for the best of luck.

Tell your students that I said hi and read this message to them FROM THE BEST STUDENT EVER, MICHAEL DANGLO AUSTIN ( THE CHEF TO BE )

Unknown said...

Michael, I am proud of you not only for what you did last year, but for continuing that success this year in middle school.

You WILL get your dream of becoming a chef with this attitude. Anytime you need me, I am here.

Anonymous said...

Gather ye Rosebuds ye may
Old time is still a-flying
And this same flower that Smiles to-day
To-morrow will be dying
Robert Henrrick 1591-1674