
My Name Is Jack and it's Christmas today!

(This is my Christmas present to my godson, "Chicago Jack". It's also the second book in the "My Name is Jack" series. I hope you like it.)

My Name is Jack
And it's Christmas today.

It's Christmas today.
Yay! Yay! Yay!

With so many presents under the tree,
I wonder how many are just for me?

Big ones!
Small ones!

Square ones!
Round ones!

Hurry, hurry, to the tree!
Help me open them so we can see.

A rocking horse
And a jack-in-the box.

A red bouncy ball
And ABC blocks.

And what's this last one that I see?

Another book written just for me.

Merry Christmas Jack.


Anonymous said...

very sweet book well done you should be proud, did you do the pictures your self,
i did enjoy your first books pictures more they seem to fit the book and the title
Happy Hoildays to you and your family

Anonymous said...

I love it! Great story! I can't wait to see you again!

Unknown said...

Thank you. No, I pulled the pics from the internet (except the one of Jack - first pic - and the cover of the first "My Name is Jack" book). Most publishers like their own artists so
I'm sending the manuscript only.

Anonymous said...

keep writing more and as you say
impossible=im possible