Every morning as I come down my stairs I stop to say hello to James Dean. Although now forever silent, he looks at me from my wall and heralds me with his legacy:
Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today.
This does more for me than the cup of coffee I'm on my way to get. To me the power to dream comes from the power to love; to believe in what isn't yet there, and love it into existence. This has got to be the greatest and most satisfying power in the universe, more than money or fame or perceived "success". Love is what makes all dreams possible, so I've changed this slighty to:
Love as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today.
Maybe it's because of this passion I live with. And maybe it's because I've come close to meeting my maker more than once. But I hear these words James and I silently trade back and forth on the darkened stairs of the early morning. As I look at this picture of someone who lived before he died, I promise myself that no matter what, today I WILL "Live Out Loud! Completely!"
Today, I love myself enough to take complete control of how I feel and what I think. Although I look forward to falling in love again someday, I know I complete myself now and am not codependent on anyone else to make me feel good. Knowing this, I look forward to my future and create it by passionately pursuing my greatest dreams with complete confidence.
My family and friends know how much I completely love and appreciate them as I take the time to let them know. My children know how completely special they are as I play with, read to, and say prayers to them at night. During the day I smile at children and strangers, open doors for ladies, help someone in need and do the little things that brighten someone's day. I don't wait till tomorrow to do any of this because I am too busy making money, trying to get ahead or too stressed out.
Today, I love myself enough to take complete control of how I feel and what I think. Although I look forward to falling in love again someday, I know I complete myself now and am not codependent on anyone else to make me feel good. Knowing this, I look forward to my future and create it by passionately pursuing my greatest dreams with complete confidence.
My family and friends know how much I completely love and appreciate them as I take the time to let them know. My children know how completely special they are as I play with, read to, and say prayers to them at night. During the day I smile at children and strangers, open doors for ladies, help someone in need and do the little things that brighten someone's day. I don't wait till tomorrow to do any of this because I am too busy making money, trying to get ahead or too stressed out.
This day is the only day I am guaranteed to have. Let me live completely out loud, with no regrets for the things I wish I would have done and wish I would have said, especially to those I love.
This day I completely love as if I'll live forever, and completely live as if I'll die today. Chances are, I'll live a long and healthy life, and die smiling having completely used up all my love, laughs, talents, and time...completely.
This day I completely love as if I'll live forever, and completely live as if I'll die today. Chances are, I'll live a long and healthy life, and die smiling having completely used up all my love, laughs, talents, and time...completely.

Lilkimmy44-- Evening Adam!:) You're right. I did enjoy what I read tonight.
Not sure about the codependent part of your analogy. As many may know, when it comes to love and sharing, being codependent is a lonely/insecure way of living. Independence is more of what I thrive. ;)
In speaking of living a life of codependency, been there done that (which I am sure, others can relate, once they understand the underlying sadness of living life in this manner. There are happy endings).
Touché on yet another inspiring segment. ;)
That was the point I was trying to make, as ineffectual as it was, just like being in a codependent relationship :)
Too many of us think our lives would be better if only we had someone who loved us, or we stay in so-so relationships as long as we're somewhat loved, because we're afraid to not be loved at all.
But when we're able to contribute to the fulfillment of our own needs we become independent, attract the right person for us into our lives, and can offer much more and have a much better life experience together as two independent and happy people.
p.s. For those of you who don't know, Kim is a beautiful poetess whose work can be found on www.poets.com
Well "I am woman and hear me roar!" :-) Here's to a woman being strong without feeling she has to be a witch. Thanks Dianna. You've given a side to the story I cannot do as a man. I'm continually impressed by the wonderful people that take the time to read my simple scribblings.
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