
Living Oh So Fine in 2009! ~ Part 1 (1 of 365)

I didn't know Dick Clark had a stroke. I was stunned, and it made me pause. Before I had my heart attack 6 years ago, I told my mom who was worried I was working too hard, "You never know how far you can go until you risk going too far". ~ unknown

A few weeks later I went too far. But after 4 days of hospital tests the doctors told me I was healthier than they were, and that I had been given a second chance to live.

And I have, as completely and fully as my limits will allow....and then just a little bit further....and 2 months ago felt myself having a stroke.

My "problem" is that I love life, feeling it swirl inside of me and connecting to the life inside of others, knowing we are capable of so much more than we are living once we stop giving ourselves self-imposed limitations.

One of the great things about being alive is that every day you are given the chance to wake up and then wake up the life inside of you. One of the great things about being a teacher, parent, boss, coworker, artist, friend, mate, etc. is that you have a chance every day to wake up the life inside of others. I'm not talking about just being positive and happy and getting good grades or doing a good job.......I'm speaking of the great capacity we all have to be powerful and ecstatic and become real life-long learners capable of solving the biggest of our own and the world's problems.

Every single one of us has a gift, that if developed enough, allows us to give to the world what ONLY WE CAN GIVE. We are that unique and that capable. The other side to this reality is that it is extremely rare anyone ever develops themselves to this point. Instead of risking going too far, we risk not living at all as we waste our energy on worry, stress, anger, bitterness, unworthiness, etc.

This is why teachers and parents play such a pivotal role in the life of a child.....and how adults can play such a pivotal role in the lives of other adults

(to be continued)

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