
Why Are We Covering When We Should Be UNcovering?

There's a lot of emphasis in the C.Y.A. program at schools nationwide (cover your a**).Part of doing this covering comes in the form of covering the curriculum. The job description isn't teaching the curriculum, just going over, or covering it. That way the teacher has done his or her "job".

But what job is really being done?

The reality is that if one hand is covering your behind, and the other is covering the curriculum, there are no hands left to UNCOVER what's preventing a student from learning and UNCOVERING how smart an "A" student can really become when required to demonstrate and apply their "A" knowledge.

There are no hands left to point out how truly wonderful each child already is, and point in the direction of just how far they can go when they connect their heart and mind to a powerful purpose.

And there are definitely no hands left to hold onto them with unquestionable belief while they struggle to hold onto and fully believe in themselves.

Since children live what they learn, as adults they have learned to live stressed out trying to cover the bills, the job, the kids.....instead of continually uncovering and developing more and more of their own potential.

Before Christmas Break we took a new math test which I graded very hard. No one passed. We took the time to put all their data on a spreadsheet and graph each student's individual progress, using this data to UNCOVER what was stopping each one, and working on that.

This Monday we took our 5th test. All but 5 students passed. Two of the students who had failed four tests in a row finally had a MASSIVE BREAKTHROUGH and scored a 95%. Even more important than their increase in math ability is the HUGE increase in their confidence and self-esteem.

"You're as big as the obstacle that stops you."


And that beats just covering my behind and the curriculum every time.

There is a whole new world that exists when you rise above fear, and I know that if I'm ever going to get fired, I'm going to get fired from a job that really matters.

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