
Living Fine in 2009! ~ Part 2 (2 of 365)

This school year has been the most stressful I've ever had. After a year of producing student growth on state testing 700% greater than the average class, I was told I couldn't teach my individual way because we all had to teach the same thing at the same time to protect our jobs. Fear has taken hold of education like never before.

It is simply not fair to individuals to teach them as if they are all the same, and great effort has been given to overcoming this obstacle.

On top of that, a situation came up a few months ago where a student was going to hurt himself or others, and I had a choice to make; protect myself and my job by allowing this possibility to happen while I called the office, or protect this kid and possibly others by stepping in and doing something immediately, allowing for the possibility I would lose my job.

I was suspended without question, as the new rules dictate, and had to wait at home for a few days, what seemed like an eternity, to find out if I was fired from the job I love.

When I came back I was almost knocked over by the hug I got from Bella.

I have a very hard time standing by while others comment that a situation is "too bad". If you say something is "too bad", then it's too bad to allow to continue.

I've gone into abusive homes pretending I didn't know anything, just stopping by to say hi to the kids, intending on building a relationship with the abuser, and controlling my own temper while slipping in comments of how I've handled things the right way and wrong way with my own kids. Eventually the dad or boyfriend confesses they have trouble controlling their temper with their kids, and I look them in the eyes, intensely but lovingly, and tell them I want to help them by speaking to them in words they'll understand, and that whatever they do to the kids I will do to them.

Stopping violence with violence ISN'T the best answer, love and non-violence is, but when the system isn't working, someone has to do something, and in my yet-to-be fully evolved self, it's the best answer I have right now when push comes to shove. I know I COULD get hurt doing this, just as I know children ARE being hurt if I don't.


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