

Waking up can be so hard to do....... (the kids and I playing Rock Band they got for Christmas at their mother's)

Watching this Steve Vai video on one of my profile pages to help get me going. It works because it makes connections with things that are important to me on the inside. The more I play it, the deeper and stronger my emotions become, and the more focused and energized I become on what my intentions are for this day. Coffee, my external source, can't do this for me. The more I drink it, the more my stomach hurts.

Steve Vai - For the Love of God

As I'm watching this video I see there's an incredible amount of energy in the world, but most of it is misused. It's wasted through worry (energy and thoughts directed towards what one DOESN'T want and not on what one DOES).

It's stored as potential energy (feelings of unworthiness or lack of self-confidence such as "who me?" and "one day I will...")

Or it's gathered in small or large amounts for the purpose of proving one is better than another (disconnection) or the elimination of another and/or their ideas (destruction).

How perfect is the timing of this as the giant hands are counting down the final minutes on the clock of 2008......

Tick, Tock
Tick, Tock

Time to make resolutions again
with another year coming round the block

All this potential
yet it's the same thing every year

Lose weight, stop smoking, make more, try harder
Oh yeah, and finally become unafraid of fear

Another year is coming
and it looks a lot like the one leaving

Will this year be the one where I make the changes?
Will this be the year I finally start believing?

I don't want to hope anymore
I don't want to pray for someone else to save me

I want to believe with every cell of my body
that in the end........

I'm the creator of who I become
I'm the one who can set me free

~ Adam Stuart (December 31, 2008)

Wishing everyone in the world the most empowering, incredible, and life-changing year they've ever created, with all of us using all of our energy to CONNECT with our inner selves and to each other to help make that CREATION happen.

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