
Thrust Up Into the Night

Something magical happens when you becoming caring enough to share, without trying to get anything back from it or caring what the the response may be. You get responses like this:

I think that what you reveal (so very real) in the breadth of range and honesty that you share also creates a revelation in others that supports confidence, intelligence, truths, and allows for much needed "permission" to be passionate, fearless, and secure in being positive open-minded achievers themselves. These ideals are what we need that have been lost by commercialism... and to uphold again to bring our world back to being a caring and supportive home for all life forms. Honoring ignorance, fear, & destruction does not as a sustainable life.

Posted by Grace on Dec 28, 2008 11:52 AM

What is magical is that a response like this connects with you on a deep level and brings out even more of who you are.

Thank you, Grace. As I read your response, this is what I heard:

Each one of us
looking within to find our own light

Breathing in deeply
then breathing out with all our might

Igniting our torches
which we thrust up into the night

Using all of our courage
to stand strong and claim our right

Our right to live fully
our right to love fearlessly

Our right to become smarter
our destiny to become stronger

Our right to become great lovers
our right to become great fighters

Our right to fight for what we love
our destiny to rise above

And every time just one of us
chooses to shines our light,

Choosing to have the courage
to thrust it up with all his or her might

Hope is given to another,
who is lost,
lost in the darkness of night

~ Adam Stuart (December, 2008)

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