
Well Done! Congratulations

Ouch! You Gators beat the buckeyes out of my Ohio State. Congratulations. It wasn't the Heisman jinx or the loss of Teddy Ginn. It was you being a much better team than we were last night, a MUCH BETTER team. I still love my Buckeyes and believe in them (I am so loyal once I fall in love :-) but, you more than deserve the national championship. You stomped us. You are the National Champions.

Congratulations to my good friend Pam, and all you other other Gator fans out there. It's very important we surround ourselves with good, positive people. Pam is one of those special people who makes your life better by having her as a friend.


Anonymous said...

A new day has dawn. And so will the Buckeyes.
BG & M

Unknown said...

Amen, brother. Amen.