
History on Parade

This Tuesday we had our History on Parade presentations. I was as amazed by the students as I was with all the parents that turned out to see it. Here are some of the photos. Who they were and what they learned will follow.

Zack was Abraham Lincoln. We talked about Lincoln's many so-called failures, and how he never gave up on himself or his dreams. We applied it to the present-day and in how class we arrive every day simply finding out where we are "failing", then work on becoming successful in that area. When I asked you who I as your teacher worked for, you told me I worked for you and your needs. Exactly!

Amanda - You told us you were inspired by your historical figure enough to declare "I'm going to be the best vetenarian ever!" twice in a row with conviction.

Mark - although you're not sure of what you want to be, I know you can become it!

Bridget - Great costume and very well-written presentation. Keep Dreaming and Doing Big and YOU WILL become your Biggest Self! If you Never Give up you can Never Fail!

Dallas dressed as Babe Ruth. You did a great job of talking to your audience. Babe didn't do well in school but you are, showing that you're already bigger than "The Babe" was academically. When asked if you thought you could use this to be even bigger than he was in baseball, you said "Yes!"

Devan dressed as Ronald Regan. When asked what you want the world to remember about you, you said "I want to help people and animals". Want it enough and IT WILL happen!

Ryan dressed as Dr. Suess. You did an incredible job of talking to your audience and preparing your PowerPoint presentation, making it enjoyable and informative. Thank you.

Summer - When asked what you learned from your research, you said, "I learned to no longer stand for letting others stop me!" Excellent! You control your future, nobody else. Never give that power away.

Skyler dressed as John F. Kennedy. You mentioned JFK gave alot to the world. When asked what you were going to give to the world, you said enthusiastically, "I'm going to give it all I got!" I believe you will.

Esha dressed as Walt Disney. You said Disney was remembered by giving to others and that you will be remembered by doing the same. I'm excited you're adopting our class goal of "Making the World a Better Place." The world needs more people like you.

Haseeb dressed as Thomas Edison. We talked about how he never gave up and your own interest in science. When asked what you were you going to invent and never give up on, you said you were going to invent "The Flying Car!". Only Big Dreams can produce Big Results. Dream Big Haseebi, DREAM BIG!

Jessica dressed as Eleanor Roosevelt. You did a great job of talking to us and using inflection and emphasis in your voice. You also had a terrific costume. When asked what you learned from your historical figure, you responded "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams". Now that's true intelligence!

Malcolm portraying Benjamin Bannecker who fought to end slavery. When asked what you were going to fight for, you said "Being the best at what I do!" That's the only way to live. NEVER SETTLE FOR ANYTHING LESS THAN BEING YOUR BEST!

Briana - You did a great job of talking to us and showed great courage by still doing your presentation even though there was a problem with your PowerPoint presentation. I'm proud of you! Every time you stop to look fear in the face, you become stronger. I can see this happening in you.

I'm not sure who this dog is trying to be. I don't remember Lassie or Rin-Tin-Tin ever looking like a scarecrow. I saw him on a Sunday morning walk to Lake Eola. But if scarecrows scare crows and dogs scare cats, is this dog a scarecat? I couldn't find any cats to test this theory. I imagine any cat put in front of this dog would have fallen to the ground, clutching its sides laughing.

I hope everyone enjoyed a fun and safe Halloween. Students, did you know Halloween is one of the oldest customs still practiced? It started in Ireland @3,000 years ago; making it older than Thanksgiving and even Christmas. Can anyone tell me how it started and if there are any other customs that are older? Sand Lake dollars to the first ones who can share their knowledge with the class. You'll also be developing your reference and research skills while doing this.


Anonymous said...

Halloween: The World's Oldest Holiday

Halloween dates back over 2000 years, a celebration originating with the Celts, a tribal group that dominated central Europe in the Iron Age and spread their culture to Ireland, England and Scotland in the 5th century BC.

The festival of Halloween, then known as Samhain (pronounced sow-in), was a religious ceremony to signify the end of summer, the completion of the harvest and a solemn preparation for the hard, cold winter when nights became longer, food became scarce and people feared the dark.

They believed the spirits of the dead came back to earth on this night to roam among the living and cause mischief. The Druid priests would hold a community bonfire, with everyone dressed in costumes made of animal heads and skins, so as not to be recognized by the dead. People would extinguish their home fires, leaving food and wine outside for the roaming spirits, hoping to prevent them from entering their houses, then join the ceremony where the priests would make predictions about the year to come. Each family would then relight their hearths from the sacred bonfire in the hope this would protect their homes from the frightful and uncertain winter ahead.

I found this @ http://www.vallartaonline.com/news/HalloweenTheWorldsOldestHoliday/

Unknown said...

Well done Haseeb. Well done indeed! Many Sand Lake dollars to you!

Anonymous said...

Kool pic.'s Mr.Stuart!!! From Skyler Martin

Anonymous said...

HELLO Mr Stuarts class
History on Parade
Zach Amanda Mark Bridget Dallas Devon Ryan Summer Skyler Esha Haseeb Jessica Malcom Briana,
Incrediable Presentation that portrays the pass of history that we all treasure with passsion that i can see in your eyes that you are proud of being part of a class that is so gifted and very talented i enjoy reading your words and how you set your stage for all to see who you are and were your path in life will be ,
The future does belong to those who DREAM BIG, DO BIG, BE BIG, the world is out there waiting for you to reach out for your path in LIFE. your customes were fun and have put a lot of thought in to what you would wear, looks like i could wear some of them too, looking forward to reading more about wonderful Education in Mr Stuart class,

Anonymous said...

tHE PUPPY IS ADORABLE!!!!!! It's so cute and yes I had a fun and safe Halloween night, as a matter of fact I had a "sweet one too!!


P.S.lot of extra candy if you want some

Anonymous said...

The puppy is so cute! Is it yours or is Bella's or Brosden's.