
Be Safe Today Young Child

I think of you often
Left alone out there on the street

I send you all my love and strength
Yet sit here once again feeling drained and weak

I don't want to hear what a good person I am
For you to be safe I'd have the whole world call me bad

What I did was for you
I gave you everything that I had

I saw how the world told you you were ugly
I saw it and saw right through

I truly saw all you could be
And together we saw the beauty in you

And now the world sees you as ugly again
And I'm so afraid you do too

And I can't see through my tears
calling out to you through clenched teeth

I wish there was a Santa Clause
I wish fairy tales were true

I wish there was a god who would show up and fight
I wish I had been more of a real hero for you

I'm silently screaming for Satan to show himself
So I can grab him by the throat

Love is stronger than the both of us
I learned that last time I damned myself to hell

Hell ISN'T for children

It's reserved for the weak who have given up
And the warriors unafraid to die in the name of love

And until you are finally safe and off the streets
I'm sending myself back there to fight for you

Be safe today young child
And somehow learn to believe in yourself again

I'm baring my soul to the world
Asking everyone to say a prayer for you

~ Your Teacher (Adam Stuart - October 2007)

*This girl is a former student of mine, who made unbelievable progress the year I had her; proving she's MORE than what's she's living now. As I'm watching the last scenes of "Love Actually", and realizing I'm "getting the shit kicked out of me once again for love", I see how it's the only power that can make a difference and save a life, call it what name you will (God, Buddha, Mohamed, Allah, Yahweh, Energy).

Send her as much of this power inside of you that you can, and send it for her to learn to love herself again. Please ask your friends to do the same. There have been proven cases of the power of intention actually making a real difference in the world.

I wish I had time to respond to every single comment, but my reality is with grad school I don't. I will read each one thoroughly, and pass along your intentions to her when I find her.

And thank you.


Anonymous said...

Sending an abundance of love and light to Asia, and peace, my friend, to you.


Anonymous said...

My heart is filled with sadness that this little girl isn't getting what she needs.A Loving Family...To think of what she is going through makes my heart ache.
The Power of Prayer is Amazing and even more so with large groups. I will request prayer for her @ church on Sunday.
U are a dear friend 2 so many... God Bless , Cali