
Every Child Needs a Warrior

I helped chaperon my children's team at last weekend's World Cheer Championship. Saturday morning Brosden and Bella needed to meet their mom at 8am sharp to see their cousin who was also performing.

I had the kids up, dressed and fed by 7:50 a.m. and started for the lobby. Brosden asked if he could run up to the room and get his Ipod. At first I said no, but then changed my mind to give him a chance to prove himself and said, "I'm going to bet you can get it and be back in 5 minutes."

He did come back, but not in 5 minutes, getting distracted by whatever it was. As we approached the car at 8:01 with his mom beeping and looking upset, I told him, "I lost the bet. But I'll keep betting on you for as long as it takes."

His faced relaxed and he gave me the warmest smile, and said, "Thanks Dad".

When I made a photo album of the weekend I saw this picture after he and I won a game of pool and were hamming for the camera. I immediately thought:

Every child needs a warrior standing behind them....Someone always believing in them instead of giving up. Someone holding them and guiding them to a higher level versus beating them down to a lower one.

Someone who sees right through all of their flaws, and into all of their greatness lying just below the surface.....

And holding on to that vision until it does surface.

As I walked away from the car I realized that I may have lost the bet, making me look bad in the eyes of some..........But I had won the heart of a boy, making him feel invincible as a great warrior was standing behind him.......

And with this powerful feeling, how can he become anything less than invincible?

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