
I'm Free

Love this song......It was my lil sister's favorite back in college and it played in my head as I was playing with Brosden this weekend

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Our freedom comes to us every second of each new day....our freedom to choose empowering or disempowering thoughts......to hope or to hate.....to surpass expectations or to stress excessively about them

One of the biggest goals I have as a father and teacher is to strengthen the inner core of a child to the point where they not only feel they can handle the expectations put on them now, but to chew them up and spit them out......far surpassing them, and unleashing their freedom at higher and higher levels with each new gain in self-confidence.

The way to do this without turning then into mini-adult stress mongers or ego maniacs (I'm only OK as my grades say I am) is to wake up their hearts with everything they already are and everything they are capable of becoming. Then connect that to their brain's inexhaustible capacity to make sense of what it's learning and you have unusual success (EVERY child growing and succeeding, some at ridiculously high levels).

One student scored a 04% on a beginning-of-the-year science assessment. She broke down in tears as she stressed about how little she knew now and how much she had to learn. Her tears were her answer. I told her the depth of her emotion was the key to not only catching up, but overcoming, but she had to trust me, and use that depth of emotion to give me everything she had. She was going to have to bring it in high levels everyday.

She has brought it, and has an 86% average on the last 4 science tests. That's over a 2000% growth, all coming from using her freedom to feel deeply, desire and dream greatly, and do bigger than she ever has. (the kids practicing yoga, or just being kids, I can't remember which)

When we take full responsibility for our situations (grades, jobs, relationships) we become fully free....to think clearly and only on what WE WANT TO HAPPEN, and to focus our actions completely on creating that dream and desire into existence..........and at unbelievable levels.

When we learn to do this as a child, using our freedom to become new creations, we have a great chance of doing this as an adult as our dreams and desires change and evolve. And if we don't learn it in our childhood, well then we are free to begin learning how to do it by practicing it in each passing second of each new day.....

Don't be afraid of your freedom

Become a new creation

Dream Big

Do even Bigger

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