
Humans Healing - Healing Humans

As crystal reflects objects that are nearby,
So does the face reflect what is foremost in the heart.

What is more perceptive that the face?
For whether the heart is angry or glad,
it is the face that expresses it first.

- Tirukkural 71: 706-707

(Kelly also grew an unbelievable 46% on the science test, and is On Target! Her face now shows greater determination to think at higher levels, versus simply memorize, do well on tests, and stop "thinking" as soon as possible.)

Someone wants to reward me,
for things I've done,
for the changes I'm making
inside of me?

Someone who doesn't even know me?

- Yes dear child
Yes they do
And their name is Serenity

(Kristen began crying when I told her someone wants to reward her if she doesn't miss any more school)

I won the Principal's Award?

- Of course my love

But why?
Why me?
Why little old me?

- Because of your "impossible" growth my child
and newfound belief
You're getting bigger inside, and now is the time to really believe

Wait! Wait!
Don't leave me!
I'm still so unsure of myself
Even though I'm beginning to feel so good

- I haven't left you
I'm right here
Showing you just how much you can lift
How much I believe in you

I'll try
I'll try with all my might,
To believe in myself as much as others believe in me

- That's all we ask,
young amazing one

That's all we ask

Kristen, who pulled an amazing 46% growth on her science test, came to me on Wednesday with high level algebra worksheets, and fire in her eyes (I bought a program that allows kids to pull worksheets from Kindergarten to 12th grade).

She believes in herself, maybe for the first time in awhile. The only thing she was good at in the beginning of the year was cleaning the room. I banished her from cleaning anymore, telling her she had a cleaning job locked up after school, and now we were going to find out what else she could become good at.

When I saw the algebra worksheets, and the determination in her eyes as she showed them to me, I wanted to help her understand what she was getting herself into, without dampening that fire in any way.

Developing the mind is like developing the body, you have to put yourself in stress, in struggle, and overcome that place of, "I don't know if I can do this".

With each book I added to the end of the yardstick (well, three-quarters of a yard stick after I broke it earlier in the year after being told I'd be fired if I paid a visit to an abuser - the office won't give me another since I broke three of them last year - LOL - they don't understand that in my passion I break things in order to build people)

I wanted to show Kristen she's attempting to add more weight than she's been making herself lift, much more, and she's going to need lots of help to make sure she doesn't "pull a muscle".

When we pull a "mind muscle" we feel overwhelmed, and start having toxic thoughts, such as "I can't do this. I'm not smart. I'm stupid."

(I can't even get in the door without Chad telling me about he's learned since yesterday - dark matter, anti-matter - well beyond a 5th grade level of understanding of matter, the stuff all things are made of. Real understanding matters to him.)

That's why Shaquan and I are studying a book of better words to use.

This sucks, becomes......That's acrimonious
I'm mad, becomes.....I feel exacerbated.

And all this was done the same day I woke up and felt as if I had been run over by a car (look at the shirt I chose to wear), proving it's not what we can do, as much as what we will do with what we can, even when we feel as if we can do very little that day. But if the day is taken in it's moments, great strength be found in those moments, strength to give, to believe, to love.

And instead of humans hurting ~ hurting humans.......We are Humans Healing ~ Healing Humans.

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