
Full of Life and Love

I was cleaning up my computer and found these old photos, finding myself having random, loosely connected thoughts.....

Building a child's self-esteem can be done anywhere, at anytime...just as it can be torn down. Earlier in the year Sofia got up without pushing in her chair. I watched as Joshua pushed it in for her with a pleasant smile.

I told him to tell his parents they were raising a wonderful young gentleman, that a gentle man was a strong man, and that he had my permission to date my daughter.....in twenty years, but he had my permission.

I don't see him that often now, but his eyes shine at me with appreciation when I do. And it's all from one person appreciating one single act of kindness in another, that still exists between the two of us.

What we focus on grows, and when we focus on our own or another's deficiencies, those deficiencies grow....And we truly become our dominant thoughts.....deficient. It's our job as adults to make sure the children around us are focusing on the good things about them, and enlarging that within them.....creating powerful, capable human beings.

Once this is done, then they are emotionally strong enough to focus on what they aren't good at, and spend the day getting better at it.

I require my students to analyze their own data to find out where they are "failing", and working in those areas to stop failing. Shawn has become very good at doing this.

We have to pay attention to the ones that are hiding, that don't believe in themselves. It's not enough to say that we tried. We have to find out why, and love them enough to be able to give them enough reasons why it's OK for them to believe in themselves again...like they used to when they were very young.....like we adults used to when we were very young....

I remember my father telling me while I was growing up, "If you're going to do something, do it right!" So if I'm going to believe in my students, I'm going to do it with every part of me, every day, and so much so that others believe in them too.

The boys at Play it Again Sports donated a basketball to the class, with Eric writing, "To Mr. Stuart's class: Dream Big, Play Hard!"

It was with this basketball I watched Raymond play with confidence and courage one day during recess. He told me he "was good" because he had been playing for four years. I asked him how long he had been in school.....five years was his answer.

I told him I expected him to "play at learning" even more than he did on the court.....Last week I put him in charge of the class.....I used to have to put the class in charge of him....I used to call his parents about his poor behavior......I now call them about his GREAT new behavior.

And it's critical to build this self-esteem as soon as possible in the year. There is too much expected of both teachers and students NOT to have students giving all they have right away.

One way to do this is by finding where students are better than I am. Florencia can out-organize me in paperwork and Taylor has a much better sense of time than I do.

Even if I know we have to be at lunch in 5 minutes, I will work for five minutes AND THEN leave. I empowered Taylor to tell me when we have to stop and line up, and I stop.

Sometimes the test of love is having belief and hope in someone or something when there's no evidence for it yet. I sent this picture to my computer in the beginning of the year with the title, "I c such great beauty in u". It wasn't until recently Kristen has shown any growth at all.

The key seemed to be believing in and loving her for what she could be and do...UNTIL she saw it too.

And sometimes the test of love is how much it's appreciated while what you love is there. I had to get kicked out of Sofia's class I was visiting her so much. I can honestly say I couldn't have given more to anybody I've ever allowed myself to love.

I've had Shanghai for over a week, and I've already fallen in love....Sadly, I caught myself wondering when he's going to be taken away....(run away, get hit by a car, etc).....because that is what I know from my experience...what I love is taken away.....and I am afraid to love again...finding myself in my own test to love.

Perhaps I'm crazy for believing I can overcome every test I face, and for giving as much as I do, but it seems crazier to think I'm taking anything with me into the after life. Why not give all you have away before that day? I'm convinced I'm going to look like the Velveteen Rabbit when I'm old, having been worn away by love.

Bella won the Principal's Award yesterday. I ran in slow motion across the cafeteria as I shouted out B-E-L-L-L-L-A-A-A-A-A-A!!!!! My children and grandchildren are going to have so many conversations beginning with, "Remember when Dad/Grandpa did......?"

I think crazy is good, and being crazy in love is great. It hurts a lot sometimes, but I know it's better to be full of life and love, than full of excuses for not living and loving fully.

I look forward to the day I allow myself to be crazy in love again.....and this temporary holding pattern will only allow me to appreciate it more. Life is meant for the living.

Click here to play SEAL's terrific song, CRAZY

After all, "we're never going to survive, unless we get a little crazy..."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This post also rocks
