
Jenny Kissed Me

Jenny kiss'd me when we met

jumping from the chair she sat in:

Time, you thief! who love to get sweets into your list, put that in.

Say Im weary, say I'm sad...say that health and wealth have missed me:

Say I'm growing old, but add-

Jenny kiss'd me!

by Leigh Hunt

This is a poem a friend just shared with me that her father used to read to her when she was young. I think it's a beautiful poem about the wealth contained in one meaningful kiss. It's also a testimony to how it's the little meaningful things a "dad" does that makes him become a wonderful "father".

In her own words, "My father was by no means a good writer...he did it because material things meant nothing to him. It isn't quantity of time or "stuff' - it is the constant reassuring of love. And building lasting memories.."

Thanks for sharing this with me Liz. Perhaps my readers can share it with the "dads" and "fathers" they know, especially their own fathers who also gave them wonderful memories.

"Any man can be a dad. A real man becomes a father." - Adam Stuart (father of four)


Anonymous said...

Thank you Adam! so very very sweet of you!

Unknown said...

You're welcome. It's as easy to make the world a better place as it is to make it worse.