
Hey! Quit Looking at Me!

"So far so good. No one seems to notice I snuck into the back of the car................

Hey, you....quit looking at me!

Stop laughing and beeping your horn!!!...........

Oh, no! The driver is turning around.........

I'm going to get in so much trouble when Mom finds out about this........."

Now you try to come up with a caption for this one, or a funnier one than I was able to do for the cow-in-a-car photo.

Everybody has a genius. Yours may be comedic!

*This one is special because I grew up with a father who loved Pepsi and brain-washed his children into thinking Coke was terrible.

It worked! When I was going to school in Mexico I waved the Red-White-and-Blue Pepsi flag, declaring "Coke apesta!" (Coke stinks)

In hindsight my loyalty was undeserved. None of us kids were allowed to drink any of his Pepsi. We had to sneak it if we wanted any (hee-hee, sorry Dad)

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