
In a Father's Pockets

My daughter brought a book to me and asked me to read a story to her. I said "sure" and she proceeded to climb into my lap. To make her more comfortable I began to empty my pockets and we laughed at all the things we found:

~ a tape recorder for story ideas, a bluetooth ear piece for calls I receive, puppy dolls and the capes I can't put back on, a protein bar for when our tummies growl, a piece of chalk to draw hopscotch, and a dime that will grow into a mountain of gold, allowing us to travel the world

We had just come back from playing at Lake Eola with friends, which was a wonderful time. Thank you Holden, Veronica, Nicholas and Liz!

Then we went to "The Tree". I watched Sofia play and let more of the "Once Upon a Tree" story develop.

Then SHE read "My Name is Jack" which I always carry with me in the car. She's only 5 but knows the story so well she can "read" it (this is her favorite page, "I'll grow so tall that I'll TICKLE the moon!") I took video clips and thinking of posting them on MySpace ~ have no idea how to do it on blogspot.

Then of course before daddy could get things done there had to be time for a game of hopscotch (BIG smiles coming to my face right now).

A father's pockets contain all the things of real life; a mixture of things that need to get done and the making of time to show his love.
I enjoy being a father very much, like holding hands while we read. I hope there's time for you to get everything done that needs to get done today, ........especially the playing and reading part.

****If you haven't read "Love You Forever" by Robert Munsch, please go to the library or bookstore right away and read it tonight. It might make you cry, but it definitely will make you stop having excuses for not finding the time to read to your children.

Click Here for the slideshow of the children.


Anonymous said...

That was some great pictures of Sofia and friends. It looked like a good day. How did you get Sofia not to put her hands in front of her face? ( like she usually does) tj

Unknown said...

I just got lucky amigo, just got lucky :-)