- Adam Stuart
May 18, 2008
(thank you for inspiring this the moment I woke up and read "~Matterless~". What a nice opportunity you've given me to start the day Leila.)
**Still half asleep ~ In that in-between moment of waking up and becoming fully awake. Read a poem from Metanoia and found myself commenting to it in a poetic way (the poem above). Now posting with a title that I think means if what matters less to us actually matters less, meaning we give it less thought......then what truly matters more, i.e. truth and peace, higher love and wisdom, will be allowed to grow in our world because it will be given the time and space to be allowed to grow within us
Today is my little brother's birthday. The love I feel for him matters very much, not only to myself, but the world I live in. I am often asked, and even wonder myself, how I keep going and giving.....
I have to say one way is feeling the love I have for someone, which feels so pure and real (i.e. purely unselfish and unconditional), that many of my cells (or all of them?) seem to vibrate "love" to each other, energizing me so greatly that it almost....no it MUST.....vibrate out of me and onto, and then into, those around me in my world
That has to be at least one explanation for why those around me seem to do so well. Vibrations of love, confidence, respect, peace, warrior ship, strength, hope, honor, happiness, etc.........powerful vibrations of positively powerful vibrations vibrating powerfully out of one person into another who trusts the person vibrating and opens themselves to their influence
and then you have students succeeding beyond anyone's wildest dreams, doing things they've never done.....even your own children doing things for one parent that they're not doing for another.
wetting the bed at one house but not the other. throwing tantrums at one place but not at the other. respecting one but not the other.
just the other night when I dropped Sofia off after our "date" her mother told her to go brush her teeth and put on her pajamas. She wouldn't. I asked her to. She did. With open mouths, she and her daughters once again said it was because I have a deep voice and Sofia is afraid of me. I didn't say much because I've argued this before, but I would hate to be a "good" parent or teacher because children are afraid of me.
I'd like to think it's because they are respected by me, believed in by me, appreciated by me, honored by me...........
So thank you Leila, because your poem has brought out the truth in me, which I see now more than ever is that this is why I get such great results out of others, because I honor and inspire them, not horrify and intimidate.
What a great gift of insight and enlightenment you have given me on my brother's birthday, which I will pass on to him, as well as your original poem that began my day.
(**another possible A-HA moment. Why is it that some can take almost any situation and see or pull out the positive, which seems to serve to make them grow more and more positive, and become more and more powerful?
It might be what we "take" or bring to these experiences. Before reading Leila's poem, I woke up and saw Bella's face, which I ever so gently ran my fingers up and down before kissing the top of her head and whispering how much I love her.
I then did the same to Sofia and then Brosden. Taking the time to appreciate and love them, versus taking this time I have with them for granted.....getting up and being in a rush to get my day started. How can I not take this love and appreciation into the next thing I do or read, and see the positive?
Which then only makes me MORE positive and powerfully.....vibrationally unstoppable in vibrating more and more positivity in my inner and outer worlds!
These Sunday mornings happen only twice a month for me, or only 24 times a year. Soon they won't happen at all, as they go off to college and/or start their lives as adults.
Even if your children live with you, "The Cat's in the Cradle", and these Sunday mornings only happen 4 times a month, only 48 times a year. Isn't it possible to give just a few minutes to your sleeping/just waking child 48 mornings out of 365?
Isn't it possible to give 365 mornings????? How much love matter would those vibrations of love matter as they vibrate out onto the world of matter......and continue to vibrate long after they're over from the simple memory of those moments?
Life isn't all that complex....and begins to change from just one simple Sunday morning.
Myself to be an
Observant bystander to
The comings and goings of
Love and loving~ Flirtations
Of proverbial in-betweens~
The silent slamming of
Matterless doors
Snide chiding
And back-
Souls~ Suckered
Upon the ether of casualty
Their tenuous vows a wisp in
The wind next to the promise
Of my heart having no choice
In loving you~ In light of
All the faded fancies
And exhausted
I am
Bliss mouthing
My devotion silently
Where I have harvested
The fruit of my loving
To be enough for
The both us…
And most
( also enough for me )
Leila A. Marceau
"Is not time even as love is, undivided and spaceless"
~Kahlil Gibran~
1 comment:
I agree, it's a beautiful poem... and yes, respect and fear could be tricky when it comes to passing on (or teaching) values. I feel the same for my kids. I wish them to cultivate self-discipline, tho'...
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