Samurai: An ancient warrior code of strength, honor, and loyalty. ***
Samurai Teaching: Having the STRENGTH to passionately believe in every student; the HONOR to teach them in the way they best learn; and the LOYALTY to never give up on any of them. ***
Sensational Living: How sensationally we do this for them now determines how well they will be able to sensationally do this for themselves and for others as adults.
Happy Mothers Day....To Me!
And Happy Mother's Day to all of you.....The influence you have on your child's/children's life/lives are so very important. I will always support my own children's mothers in every healthy way I can, which includes seeing them today as I did when I asked them to marry me, as their most beautiful selves.
As a teacher I see the great difference parents make on the children that come into our classrooms, allowing us to use them as the foundations we build enabling growth for ALL students.
This realization has inspired another book I've begun to write called, Building the Foundation, based on the effects of good parenting.
For my birthday I called my mother and claimed Mothers Day in the "Name of My Birthday", and spent an hour in wonderful conversation, after which realizing I feel more alive today than ever.
We are all here, on a 4.5 billion-year-old middle-aged planet, revolving around a middle-aged star we call the Sun.
I am here, in a supposedly middle-aged body, being motored by a supposedly middle-aged heart.And just like here on Earth, the light in my motor is brighter than ever and the life inside it more abundant than ever.
I feel ageless.....Like I could light the night up with my soul on fire...and make the sun shine from pure desire......And I feel GREAT!
So thank you to everyone wishing me a happy birthday. In return I wish you a happy mother's day and happy brand new day to everyone in this wonderful Universe, may this day be the birth of a new idea, a new beautiful feeling, a new empowering feeling that changes the way you think, changes the way you live, and is the birthday of a brand new you.
In so many ways, life is just beginning.
(one of the best bday pics I've ever received...from my very good friend's kids...Veronica, Holden and Nicholas...THANK YOU! I love it!)
Since I like to give, for my birthday I give the video at the end, sharing some of the thought processes that have changed my life to one of incredible abundance.
Even though my decision to stay in teaching and be able to see my children every day has meant turning down lots of money, and even baking so bad in my home this week as my electricity was shut off that people thought I had been sunburned................
I am still wealthier than many of my friends who have no home at all.....
And there is still nothing I wouldn't be willing to go through in the name of love.......And I continue to joyously give everything I have........And be given in a great universal flow even more abundance to give back to the world.
One of the hundreds of writes I've never posted is called, The Poor Man Opens His Hand...Not to Receive...But to Give. (I couldn't figure out a way to write it without Sofia's mother ending up looking bad, so I never posted it.)
One example is the ability to see real beauty in others and give others the ability to see it in themselves. Shanghai and I ran into Elizabeth the other day on her way home from work. As we talked I heard and felt such a good laugh come from me, that when I looked back at her I said to myself, "This is a beautiful person".
Elizabeth is mentally handicapped and physically deformed. For me to be able to see past that, and into another's real beauty, is a gift of GREAT abundance....and a realization that the "SHE" I desire in my life is LOVE itself.........SHE is LOVE........and SHE has found within me........and has become everything that I'm made of........a truly Higher Love (ala Stevie Windwood's song, Bring Me a Higher Love, that I often play first thing in the morning to help me wake up).
I realized this while watching this clip one morning with my son before school. As the girl's face came on the screen near the end I said, "That's it! SHE is LOVE. I've already found her. I have her forever already within me."
Now, if I allow SHE to manifest herself in human form, I know there's nothing I won't do for her, even going as far to work myself in another heart attack like I did with my 2nd wife, but this time for the right woman, because I know the right woman would never let me go that far (thx YA ZI for holding me accountable for what I'd do for her the last time I mentioned SHE).
As always though, a sword has two sides, and along with the ability to see other's inner beauty and help bring it out in them, is the inability to see another's ugliness and be manipulated by their insecurities....resulting in a reluctance to trust another to get so close to me again.
But there is hope, as from each so called "negative" experience I am positively evolving and learning to recognize real inner beauty, trust my inner feelings, and listen to my inner guides speaking to me, as explained in this video.
This is an inspirational story of Louise Hay of Hay House Books. It tells us how we can heal ourselves and our lives. Featured in the film are: Gregg Braden,Esther Hicks,Wayne Dyer,Candice Pert and more. It is well-worth taking the time to watch, because our lives are well-worth taking the time to change into an ever evolving state of incredible high love and abundance.
And the more we evolve, the more we can help others do the same. Each one of us is so very much worth it.
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