
Flowers For Lilly


We had a little white dog

Her name was Lilly

Fluffy and white

Her tiny tail always in a tizzy

From the day Mom and Dad brought her home

We played with her all day

and let her sleep with us at night

And before we knew it……

We were in love

We had fallen,

Fallen in love with our Lilly

Lilly passed away today

And our hearts hurt so very much

Tears fall onto our cheeks

And we don’t understand much

Why did our Lilly have to go?

Why, when we loved her so?

Is it wrong to love this much?

When what we love is taken away from us?

What if we held it inside?

Would it still hurt when love goes?

Maybe not....maybe so

But this much we do know…..

If we had held in our love for Lilly

She would have never known just how much

But she did know

Because we told her so

Every day

And every night

And she was so happy when she was here,

Because she knew we held her dear

We didn’t hide it,

We didn’t hold it

We said it

And we gave it

We did the best thing with our my love

We shared it

We shared it with our Lilly

And now at least, wherever she is

Lilly has all the love, that we gave to her

It was our gift of love we gave to her

For being such a wonderful puppy

And though we’re left here today

With our hearts hurting very much

We know Lilly’s there somewhere

With a heart that has been touched

So we pick a flower for Lilly today

A lilly for Lilly

We know it sounds silly

But we have learned it’s good to love

And it’s good to give

Because when you share your love

With those you love

No matter where they go

No matter where they are

They hold your love

When they are far

They hold your love

Forever in their heart

And although we can't hold Lilly in our arms

We can still hold her in our hearts

And we do

Even though it hurts so very much

Goodbye our little Lilly....

We will miss you so much

- written by a grateful father for his deep-feeling children,
whom he holds in his arms every chance he gets

he doesn't hide it
he doesn't hold it

he feels it
and he gives it

so that they may always know
how very much he loves them so

it is his greatest gifts
that he gives to them

it is the gift
of his time and love

- Adam Stuart
May 10, 2008

In this video Bella is wondering whether Lilly misses her or has already forgotten her.

After spending the day with my children on Saturday I was too spent to finish the poem when I came home, and didn't want to spoil Mother's Day for anyone the next day. Ironically, when I drove down to be with my kids, I was nearly killed by a driver paying attention to the small dog in her lap instead of the motorcycle she was about to run over. ......And the dog? Fluffy and white, just like Lilly.

We never know when that "last time" is with our loved ones. At last count 15,000 people lost their lives in the earthquake in China, with twice that much still buried in the rubble. We only know that we are given moments in time to be and do everything we most want, and share them with those we most love....

These moments we're given begin everyday we wake up.

Yet most of us waste these moments, our very precious gifts of time we're given EVERY SINGLE DAY, on thoughts of what we don't want, of what's wrong in our lives and the world, and of how difficult and dangerous it is to try to change yourself, let alone the world......and we don't really live at all....because it just hurts too much.

The fact that the ones I love have been taken from my everyday waking life hurt me so bad that after three years of living in a self-created hell I finally learned to fully appreciate what a real gift it is when I am with them.....and give all of myself to them.

And by being fully present, really there.....more and more memories are made in the few moments we are together.....and together we have created such a high vibration of love between us that I have in turn found the courage to give all of me to the world.

And that's what we remember, the moments of our lives. The times when we laughed, we cried, we feel terribly weak or incredibly strong..........the times someone or something made us FEEL deeply.

When we don't have these, we look back and wonder what happened, asking how did our lives get this way and where did the time with our loved ones go?

The time of our lives is really, RIGHT NOW, in this moment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i`m sorry for your loss even though people would say that she is just a dog but is a dog that had earned your loves especially your children the only thing I can say is to talk about the funny thing that lilly had done. I`m really sorry for you snd your family.