Being able to see what's right with other people is no small thing. It's a rare talent, a skill.....a beautiful thing, able to be seen by those who have the sunshine, or inner beauty to see it.
The vision of this inner beauty is like sunshine spread out over the world, and what changes the world for others. And that is no small thing.
These are the comments from "Good Day or Bad Day ~ The Pictures Say it All"
Looks like a good day to me! BTW,....I WON!!!!
Sorry for jumping in here, but just had to say Congrats to my friend for his victory today !! So incredibly happy for you !! =D
If u ever compliment another on MY blog.....I'll no longer let you compliment me unless u've complimented 10 other people on something u can honestly appreciate ....this isn't my stupid's OUR stupid blog...
I SAY LET'S GET STUPID....and compliment anyone who inspires you in any way!!!!
OK, now I have to jump in, after reading that we can all jump in :-)......
Children make the world a better place simply by being - and I think that some/most foolish adults get SO wrapped up in their own world and worries that we forget to TELL THEM that they made the world better with their smile, with their hug, with doing their VERY BEST on a project.... all those things touch one person - which makes the world a better place.
You, my friend, are not only telling them, but you are SHOWING them - by example, by spirit every single day. I pray that the rest of us remember to show children, tell children and demonstrate how SPECIAL they are - just for being.
Love to ALL
I'm glad u did.......what u jumped in with is so right on the money that the only thing I could add is that we do have TO TELL THEM..........before it's too late.......yesterday was Taneicea's last day, and as I watched her drive away I could only hope I had told her and showed her enough how special she was that what's she's become and accomplished this year becomes a part of her forever.
I look at your pictures and read your posts and imagine to myself what a wonderful world this would be if every child had the opportunity to have a caring adult like you as a role model and teacher. Children are so often overlooked..........and they really are our future and should be treasured as such. Thanks for allowing me in to your world and lifting my spirits each time I visit.
,,,,,I appreciated this so much Sun and feel so warmed by it that you're excused from the homework assignment I gave you above
Life for me isn't about getting as many people as I can to affirm and validate my goodness.
It's about honestly affirming and validating as many others' goodness as I can. What's important is not what others think about you, but rather what you think about yourself and others. Are you spreading sunshine in the world, or rain?
I told Taneicea it isn't good that she is leaving. But it is good that it hurts so much that she is................It means she is important, she is special....and she will be remembered forever.
1 comment:
By giving children lots of affection, you can help fill them with love and acceptance of them-selves. Then that's what they will have to give away. They emulate what they see and feel. TJ
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