
Shining Brightly in a Time of Darkness ~ Michelle & Gwyneth Nicole

In a world filled with so much tragedy and negativity, certain people shine so brightly they chase away the darkness with their light. Often these people are the ones who have the most reasons for not shining at all, yet choose to in spite of their hardships.

I asked if I would be able to repost in honor of her daughter's death, six years ago today. In her response I was further inspired:

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Michelle
Date: Mar 16, 2008 3:47 AM

Hi Adam,

Thank you so very much for your comment on my perspective regarding my daughter's death. You certainly may share it and repost it.

My one true passion from her death is my desire that if my words can help just one person cope, feel hope or gain insight from my experience, then I have done well.

Certainly, I am not a writer, but it's best described as "life experiences". Would I change the hand life dealt me? No... it is part of who I am. Having that experience led me to realize and the fact that no matter how long a child is on this earth, the love never dies. An earthly bond is broken, but the spiritual bond lives on forever.

And as always... your words inspire me and your work with your students and your own children continue to amaze me.
Thanks again Adam... Your words and kind thoughts mean a great deal to me.

Peace to you always ~


----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Michelle
Date: Mar 16, 2008 3:47 AM

Michelle ~

I have just been struck with an idea to write a book called Inner Strength.........dedicating each chapter to people who exhibit it in such a way that it inspires others greatly

with so many parents rightfully complaining about the difficulties of raising their children, they need to remember what a blessing it is to still have their children.

for me, your story makes me feel so blessed to be able to see and love my children, even though they don't live with me

i have no idea when i would have time to write this book - but my instinct tells me it would be a great idea, it would mean a lot to its readers, and you would be a perfect choice for a chapter

Thank YOU, Michelle, for your attitude and strength in dealing with something that would bring most people to their knees in despair and misery


**This is Michelle's post that struck me so much. After is a video that Treyya posted today that is VERY worth watching, and exemplifies Michelle and her thinking. Enjoy...Appreciate....and Change Your Life!

03/12/08 9:33PM
Angels are watching... In memory of my Daughter

~ Guardian Angels

When Angels sense you need them,
And Angels always do.
They come, unseen, from everywhere
To help and comfort you.

They hover close beside you
Till all your cares are gone,
Till they can see you’re ready
Once again to carry on.

Then some of them may fly away
And take their gentle touch,
To other hearts that need
The love of Angels very much.

But one, at least, stays with you
As your constant friend and guide,
For GUARDIAN ANGELS never leave,
They’re always at your side.

Author Unknown

~It is not known precisely where angels dwell
Whether in the air, the void, or the planets.
It has not been God’s pleasure
That we should be informed of their abode.~


As the sixth anniversary of my daughter’s death approaches, I step back and take a good look at what her brief life gave me, where is has taken me and from her death, who I am today.

Gwyneth Nicole is my daughter’s identical twin, there is an unspoken "twin to twin" connection that is very obvious, even to those with an untrained eye. Do I hide the fact my daughter HAD a sister? Certainly not. Gwyneth will be and remains very much a part of MY life today as she is in her sister and both brother’s lives. She was loved, she is loved and she wil forever be missed. I am asked if I believe in "Angels"... my reply is always, "Yes, I HAVE ONE".

As the 16th of March draws closer, I have that familiar feling of dred, an anxiety that I imagine will never leave as each "anniversary comes and goes"; perhaps something I will experience for the rest of my days. It was on the Wednesday before she died we were told "her chance for survial was essentialy non-existant".
I will forever be haunted by many scenes, circumstances and the ultimate cause of her death. She suffered for 14 long, painful days and a second surgery to "repair" the error with no questions answered, no apology, nothing from the surgeon or "fellows" who performed the surgery.
She is, as it is deemed in our "medical world", a causulity, yet another medical error overlooked.

And yet, I know am a better person, a better mother and feel as if I am a stronger and more insightful person because of her. Gwyneth was an extremely strong infant, she FOUGHT with every ounce of strength she had in her tiny body; which was a truly amazing sight to witness.
The experience of the loss is overwhelming, part of me died the moment she left this life.

She died in my arms on March 16th, 2002, just as the clock turned 7:00 AM. Her head was resting on my chest as she took her last breaths and her heart took those few weak but powerful beats... and she left this earthly realm feeling my last soft kisses on her beautiful cheeks, with my words whispered in her ear... you will never be alone, It is okay to go, you have been and forever will be my light, I love you. I will forever be in awe of your all too brief moment in time with me...
you changed my life forever.
Go and be my ANGEL.

The skys opened and a tremendous crack of thunder rolled across the Heavens as the gates were opend for her to enter and slammed closed. She was HOME. The tears then rained from the Heavens as the Angels cried for our loss, yet welcomed her home; and the tears flowed from every physician, "fellow", resident, nurse, and aide that day. This very tiny baby touched so many in ways that still my heart.

As we left the hospital late that day, the sun came out in brief, yet amazing spots, it shined through the dark clouds like a beam of hope as we drove home, and I saw a rainbow.
Peace she whispered, I am fine.

In loving memory:
Gwyneth Nicole Rhodes
Born at 24.5 weeks 1.1 pound, 12 inches long.

January 14th, 2002 ~ March 16th, 2002.

~ Perhaps you’ll see them briefly
From the corner of your eyes
Or hear the music of their wings
As they float softly by. ~

**Thank you Michelle for writing this post. You have reached at least one person, and that person is me. Here is the video that can change anyone's life, no matter how miserable or fantastic it is at this moment....because it is the moments we allow ourselves to live in that determine the kind of life we live.

Peace, Love & Inner Strength to all


Date: Mar 16, 2008 7:34 PM

Gratitude & Love To: 33. 33 Alice In Quantumland 12*21*2012

This is an inspirational story of Louise Hay of Hay House Books.
It tells us how we can heal ourselves and our lives.Featured in the film are: Gregg Braden,Esther Hicks,Wayne Dyer,Candice Pert and more.

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