
Time Together ~ A Father/Daughter Thanksgiving Collaboration

lying here with you

on the floor
by the door

doing nothing

but lying in the sun

how can it be,

this much fun?

~ Dad

lying on the floor
by the door

I wish my time
with you was more

Bella (age 9 - who also came up with the poem's title)

It truly is not the amount of moments we're given, but the amount we give to the moments we have.

I give thanks for the moments I have with my children, and have created a year-round Happy Thanksgiving in "our" home.

My children and I wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving...one that lasts all year long and for each moment you give yourself to.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very Cool..Very Beautiful Pictures.
"It truly is not the amount of moments we're given ,but the amount we give to the moments we have." This is So True....Makes for Real and Lasting Beautiful Memories.....
Happy Thanksgiving Adam 2 U and your precious children...
Thank You for your friendship Now and Always..
Doreen~Cali :)