...and Katie who ranked in the top 5%.
They are heroes, among THE VERY BEST OF THE BEST in America.
However, not everyone did so well. Some students did not do so very well at all and scored near the bottom of the country...and it hurt.

(from the book, "The Quality School - Managing Students Without Coercion", by Dr. William Glasser, p.111)

“What doctor would prescribe an antibiotic for a patient with an infection – and also for a patient without one? How is it that such wasteful practice is commonly accepted routine in classrooms nationwide? What should students think of teachers who waste their time and who value the appearance of learning over learning itself?
What do pointless school activities teach students about the value of schooling, the value of doing as the teacher says? What do such activities teach students about how much the school culture values them as unique human beings?” (from the book, "Finding Freedom in the Classroom - A Practical Introduction to Critical Theory", by Patricia Hinchey, p.p. 11-12)

It is much harder writing 17 lesson plans a day than one, but it produces much more growth than when I used what I call the shotgun, one-size-fits-all approach.

Before I knew it I had come up behind Shaquan and pulled him out of his chair, pinning him against me with my arm. I whispered in his ear with a low growl that he was not allowed to EVER give up on himself! I released him and he dropped back down in his chair.
(I wish I had a picture of that moment. I tell the students they can use my phone to take pictures of what's going on in class, but the moment happened so fast it had come and gone in seconds. I likely would have forgotten it ever happened without a picture to remind me, had what happened next not occurred.)
He started crying again....
Malcolm and his fellow classmates, who were one of Orange County's highest growing classes, know how I feel about this. For the past two years I've used a scene from the movie Armageddon to make a point. It's where Bruce Willis and his fellow astronauts-to-be are put in the back of fighter jets to prepare them for the ride into space.
The first clip is in English but takes one minute to get to this part. The second video has it right away but is in Spanish. It's worth seeing the first few seconds to get an idea of what I'm talking about.
Adapted for my students, I tell them...

(then I add)

for all the good that's inside of you already...

So as I looked at Shaquan from across the room, crying tears of self-pity and hopelessness, I told him I was sorry. I told him...
I'm sorry that you didn't do well on the test.
I'm sorry you feel so bad.
And I'm sorry that you missed learning key skills long ago that are making it almost impossible for you to succeed now.
(and by this time barking loudly)

..........Dead Silence...No one was talking, no one was working, no one was even moving. They were afraid. I had gone too far.
So I spoke to the entire class (now that it seemed I had their undivided attention). I said, "Look guys, from what I can tell almost every problem we face can be overcome in two simple steps. Two steps that will keep us from ever giving up. What are they?"
No one raised their hand. They all looked at me like deer frozen in headlights. I had to lighten the tension so I began telling them a story of how a friend and I were hiking up a mountain one time, long ago.

""Yes, yes," I replied, "and Do Big!"
"That's right", Mo said. "If people just Dream Big and Do Big, they will Be Big!"
We were so excited we wanted to write it down but didn't bring any paper with us. Mo found two stone tablets to use. Excited to turn it into a book, we carried our two "rules" back down the mountain and showed his editor.

I never saw him again. I wonder what ever happened to him?

-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
And then came the next day, Friday's spelling test. For three months Shaquan has never received anything other than an "F". We tried everything, but nothing seemed to work. He has no concept of vowels...I mean this kid missed something long ago in school. But I asked him to not give up, and that knowing what you wanted was more important than knowing how you would get it. The way would show itself to us.
I gave the test, sitting a few feet away from him, knowing that after what happened the day before he needed something besides hope, hugs and hollers to help him keep going. He needed results, and I was hoping he would get at least a "D".

If there's no improvement, the reasons for choosing the wrong answers are still fresh in their minds. There's much less, "I don't know" responses and much more , "Ohhhh. I see now." And the cycle of failure has a better chance of being broken.
When we were done grading, I can't remember if it was Kelly or Katie who had Shaquan's paper, said very quietly,
"Mr. Stuart.....Shaquan got an "A".
I said, "I'm sorry?"
"Shaquan got an 'A'. Actually an 'A+', a 110%!"

He said, "I just tried it one more time."
I asked him what the definition of a hero is.
"Someone who hangs on one minute longer", he said.
"You, my friend, have become a hero. And what you've done is nothing short of miraculous, going from three months of "F's" to an "A+", without cheating. I was right there watching you, hoping for you, pulling for you. You have scored a valid 110%! You have created a miracle!"

At the end of the day before he left he said, "Mr Stuart, you know how you wanted to give me that trophy?"
I told him I did.
"I want you."
"What do you mean?", I asked.
"The trophy I want is you. I want you to keep teaching me."

You try just one more time
You become a hero

-Doug Horton
(Daiquan pumped up after getting a personal phone call from a friend of mine who is the voice of Rock Lee from the cartoon and video game Naruto. He had told me he had good news and bad news. The bad news is he wanted to hit someone on the bus. The good news is he didn't. He's one of the few who didn't get suspended. He has found his real strength, his Inner Strength!)

I am VERY, VERY, VERY proud of you young warrior!
You have become a real-life hero in this world, and for the most important person on the planet....yourself! Promise me you'll never forget this moment!
Failure only exists when you believe in it, then give in to it.Remind them this.You can only have failure if you seek it.It's what holds you down when you fly.But, you can take it off, like a cloak, then leave it there, on the ground, as you soar higher and higher, farther and farther away from it, until your so high,or big, that cloak doesn't fit anymore. It's old and tattered and heavy, while you are free and wondorous, exploring not just new places, but new minds and thoughts.At the begining of the year, a group of girls from another school wern't to nice to me.I would walk over to talk to them, but at least one of them would always tell me to go away, that i was bothering them, that they were hanging out, blah, blah, blah.At first, that really bothered me.But, then, I realized that just because they're mean, it doesn't mean they can hurt me.If i'm nice to them, then that's all that matters.I can't change their view, but I CAN change mine, and I CAN just be myself, and I CAN be my best self, even with them being mean.Two of those girls are now actually pretty nice to me, while the other three still look through me.But I don't care.I HAVE NOT FAILED in being honest to myself( as in not blaming myself for this or changing myself)I HAVE NEVER FAILED!!!!!!!!!
I am SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!!!! You have just given me energy to keep going, keep believing in every student, to keep on keeping on for at least one more day...THIS DAY.
Thank you Jess. You are wonderful in so many ways, and the world is definitely better by your wonderful presence in it.
It was an honor having you in my class and makes me miss you all the more.
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