
Today I Claim in the Name of Me!

I’m not a treadmill person
where it's the same thing day-after-day

I refuse to wake up and trade my soul

to build someone else's dream

"It's just for a short while"

we tell ourselves initially.

And end up sentencing ourselves to life

for short-term "security"

No! I will not give up my God-given right to real happiness
Trading in my life
to build someone else's dream

Instead I choose to be a mountain climber
a creator of what I dream

Even if I have to take a 9-to-5 job
in the evenings I'm building rocket ships for my dreams

No destination will be too far
No destiny too high

My positive thoughts provide the target I'm shooting for
my powerful feelings provide all the fuel I need

60,000 thoughts today on what I want

keep me on the right path for me

Paying attention to what feels right inside

provides enough power for my highest destiny

I claim this day in the name of Me!
And all the good I see

*I see this day for what it is

which is the development of the greatest Me

Anything I couldn't do yesterday

I now can do today

I no longer put off living my life and having fun
creating my biggest dreams

Today I stand strong and firm
and I claim it in the name of Me!

~ Adam Stuart (July 18, 2009)

*"It is what it is" has become one of the most limiting and dooming phrases I've heard since, "Well, what can you do?"

Are you kidding me?!? 'What it is' is the chance we've been waiting for all our lives for that one more chance to believe in ourselves again and make that one change we wish we could make that would turn our lives around and/or move it forward.

The trick is not waiting all our lives to do this, because the fact is that for 167,000 people who had that chance yesterday, they passed away and no longer have any more chances today. I hope they didn't wait all their lives to grab hold of the reigns and drive their lives with all the gusto they could find inside.I walked the track of the Circus Maximus in Rome where 300,000 spectators would watch charioteers race and die. This stadium was 3x as big as the world's biggest stadiums today, yet nothing remains of it but it's long oval track.I stopped at one point and imagined the immense noise of thundering hooves and screaming spectators and wondered how could so much life vanish? That's like Madison Square Garden and Wimbledon Stadium being nothing more than a memory in the future.The answer is that we are an imperfect species. We don't last. Our lives are short-term. Why do we fill it with so much fear and insecurity?

And most of what we do build doesn't last anyway. Few dedicate their lives listening to their hearts and building what they hear inside.

Anyone who has ever made history that has lasted has made the same choice you and I are capable of making today, which is to follow their heart and take action towards the creation of that dream.

'What can you do?', is everything you're capable of doing, which increases incredibly and exponentially when you mix passion with your purpose.

Even if we die tomorrow, today we lived happily, and happiness is what we dream of.

When we're living like this, everyday is a good day to be alive, and even a good day to die if today is in fact our last one.

We are truly alive and therefore truly living.....and that's what life is.....not in building someone else's pyramid.....but building your own (and your heart will tell you what shape your pyramid is in.....I'm guessing it's what makes you feel the most love, makes you laugh the most and feel the happiest, and makes you feel the most alive when you think about it)

We're alive today......Let's act like it and build something that lasts!

Claim this day in the name of Me!

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