
The Kisses of Life

I was awakened this morning
in a very special way

A kiss upon my shoulder
from an angel sent my way

(Sofia woke me up this morning with a gentle kiss upon my shoulder)

Cover me in kisses
all throughout the day

Wrap your arms around me
Before you go to play

(As I was writing the above, Brosden came up behind me, wrapeed his arms tightly around me telling me he loved me, kissed me and then ran off to play with his cousin Ryan)

You know I love you Daddy
You know I really do

You know I love you Daddy
Through and through and through

(from the poet Bella)

As I spend time around my family (beach, canoeing, etc) I am surrounded by, covered in, and infused with the greatest treasure man can hope for...........LOVE

And no where does it come stronger than from my own children

I am stunned at times at how truly fortunate I am, and filled with a great sense of excitement and courage to appreciate each day for the treasures it holds.......especially the ones I can still hold in my arms.


Unknown said...

Hello. This is Kate from Kentucky. The girl from the hotel. Your writing is lovely and I hope to someday give back to the world as you do.


Unknown said...

That is a wonderful comment Katie. What you see in others you have inside yourself to do.

I'm a twitterer now!
