
All Things Good...All Things God

Just some quick and random thoughts...

My thesis has been approved, quadrupling my work load, leaving me hardly any time to answer my email or phone, or respond to comments left on my blogs, which I love to do since I don't look at it as the adam stuart blog, but a drama-free way to share and spread positive ideas, building upon each other's thoughts and inspirations to create real solutions to today's problems.....so many of which seem to begin with the ability to have Inner Strength

(I was in class during the eclipse Wednesday night, but took this outside the UCF library a few hours later)

Dodinsky's picture/poem arrived for the class. The class was very excited and Kristen found a perfect and very unique place for it. After sharing that poem and his "Gem Stone" poem, Sandria made a "We Read Dodinsky" sign and we're taking the picture today.

I received so much energy (and hugs) from readers over the weekend that when I opened the classroom door Tuesday morning and asked the kids if they knew what today was, thanks to all the "life" the wonderful people mentioned in "We Can't Do It Alone" gave us and the results of last week's test scores........"It's a Dream Big and Do Big day!" rang out in the hallway.

"Oh it's much more than even that. Today is going to be the best day of our lives. How's this going 2 happen?", I asked.

"Because you're going to make it happen, Mr. Stuart!"

"Mr. Stuart can only make it happen for Mr. Stuart.
How is today going to be the best day of YOUR life?"

"Because I'm going to make it happen", many voices shouted.

"OK. But it's important to really make it happen. You can't just dream big, you have to actually DO big. What did Marc Mero say about setting goals? Come on in and write out your greatest needs in each subject. Create your own lesson plan and do big by working on those needs, and you WILL be bigger at the end of THIS day than you are right now. "

.....and then added, "And make sure you have fun doing it.....", as I played "Make Em Laugh" from the movie "Singin in the Rain"

Intensity, Passion, Focus, & Play

Mix them Together and You Have a Great Day!

....I received the energy to do this in large part from being sent hugs from John Broken Eagle's readers. It was his birthday and something he had read of mine caused him to ask his readers to send me hugs...on HIS birthday....on his birthday......

What a concept! What an idea! And what an effect it had on me.......

I don't really understand how I deserved such a gesture....but the timing was perfect as it was Sofia's weekend with her mother and my other two were in Dallas at a competition, causing me to do something I rarely do....worry about what I didn't want to happen versus think only on what I DID want to happen

......So without knowing it, all those hugs held me together until Tuesday, when Brosden and Bella gave me some of the biggest hugs I've ever felt...making me realize what John's unselfish act had done for me....

Last Friday I told God that if he took anything else I loved away, if he didn't bring my children back safely, I was going straight to Heaven and bringing Hell with me, and He knows that I meant it (the shadow over my face reminds me of the constant battle within of light over dark).

I don't do good things trying to get into Heaven, let alone for the approval of my fellow man (which seems like worship). I do good things because good things need to be done. And it doesn't matter if I've damned myself to Hell in the process by questioning and challenging God himself.

Help Stop Child Slavery

What matters is that I unselfishly create Heaven on Earth while I'm here on Earth......without trying to get something from someone else (love, validation, etc) or trying to convince God I'm "good enough" to get into Heaven........and if it means trading my future in Heaven to give it to people living in Hell right now, especially children.........and being fully aware of what I am costing myself.....I open my hands and heart and freely release it in the trade.......The trade of a life for more life in the lives of others.

If God wants to punish me later...then punish me...I only ask He not punish children now.....

God likes me a lot. He's proud of me and even impressed with how much life I've put into my living........I've just broken the "rules" once too often in the hopes of fixing the broken part of people's lives He seems to have forgotten or is too busy to see.

Maybe if we adults would grow up and stop messing up the world, He would have more time to focus on the children.......I truly believe this can be done.

(Explaining to Louis why he wasn't chosen to be God...Instead of creating the world in 7 days, Louis would have blown it up 7 times a day)

....My nickname for him is "Big Fun"...all I ask in return is that he produce Big Results, which he has repeatedly done)

I'm not a slave to other peoples' opinions or to the religion of some God "out there".

I am a servant to the God inside us all, and a conquerer of the Devil inside of myself.

And this weekend as I worried about the safe return of my children, and got myself "fired" from being God's "apprentice" once again.....I stayed positive around others....and ended up receiving more positive comments than ever, in large part from John Broken Eagle's unselfish act.

He has created an internet family, and without knowing it, they wrapped their loving arms around me just when I needed it most, and I thank everyone who "sat with me" while I waited for the safe return of my children.....my direct connection with all things good.....all things God.

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