
Tarringo's Poem ~ And His Influence On Us

Below are the comments between Tarringo and myself on the "We Can't Do It Alone" post:

You know Adam, I was just writing in some one's blog who pimped out the best poems he has read on MySpace, none of mine were on that list. In the past I would've questioned my own writing, then I realized it was just someone's opinion and everything that he listed were things that, well weren't about real life. And I wrote as a comment that as long as I can touch just one person with my writing, then I feel like I have achieved. This blog is a classic example of why you are a role model and proof that blogs don't have to be about the drama that they are about on here. There are people on here seeking quality and special people like yourself and Teri...so glad I've encountered you both.

Posted by Tarringo T.

I feel the same way - when I teach I want 2 reach ALL the students...when I write, I want 2 reach one person, even if that one is me......and it truly doesn't matter if 1000 people reject you, if your writing has been accepted by one soul who wouldn't have been reached otherwise.

You have done that for at least me and Raymond and several other students in the class. You're very special Tarringo. Whether or not the entire world sees that doesn't change this. Unfortunately, those that don't see it, are not changed for the better by you.


Fortunately, I saw it in Tarringo, and shared him with my students, who also saw it, and were bettered by him. Here's his poem and pictures of me reading it to the class. They captured a moment in time, when young hearts and minds were captured by the moment. Thank you T! We can't do alone........

Tarringo T. Vaughan

Miss Parks

(his picture of her didn't transfer)

No! No! I will not give up my seat on this bus

My feet hurt so there's no more left to discuss

I've sat up many restless nights

As my people struggled for their civil rights

My eyes have seen too much torture

Cast upon those who share my same culture

I'm worn out and tired of being afraid

My bones ache of distraught and with that being said

No! No! I will not give up my seat on this bus

I want to enjoy this ride just the same and thus

You will no longer take advantage of my skin

Because in life that is the very sin

That thou shall not cast hate on another

For we are all created equal to each other

My old hands have felt too much defeat

On these storied barren streets

So no I won't give up my seat on this bus

My name is Rosa Parks, and I'm tired of making this fuss

©Copyright 12/07 Tarringo T. Vaughan

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