
Life Can Kiss My Lips or Kiss My Butt

Pictures can be such a good mirror to show us how we're living. I came to pick up Sofia Thursday night to take her to a family reunion. I am totally hurt by what happened the day before, and angry.

I had made myself powerless, out of the NOW, the only place of real power that our thoughts and feelings have. I was with my Sofia in this moment, and as I kissed her, brought myself back into the NOW.

Cristina wanted pictures of us. By the time she handed Sofia the camera, I had slipped back out of the moment, and into the misery and disbelief of the recent past.

This girl still calls me her father even though I'm not even her stepfather anymore. I owed it to her to be with her in the moment...

.....To fully appreciate the love she has for me....

....And to forget my pain....

.....And give her love.....

...Making it a fun and happy moment for us both.

That's all we remember anyway...moments that made us incredibly happy or incredibly hurt

I will not go quietly into the night. I will go to my grave with my head held high, CHOOSING to be incredibly happy, incredibly appreciating and making incredibly happy moments....

....which I only have the strength to do one moment at a time, one breath at a time, one heartbeat at a time. As soon as I slip out of the moment, the NOW, I begin to feel crushed. My daughter being taken from me being just too much.

When we get knocked down we can either get back up and walk strongly with lessons learned....or crawl through life in bitterness, anger, and poor-me victimization......

Life can either passionately kiss my lips or respectfully kiss my ass........I WILL NOT crawl.....I will kiss life on the lips, loving each moment as fully, as wildly, and as wonderfully as I possibly can, making it a more wonderful place for myself and others versus terrible....and in the process teaching my children how to do the same; how to heal versus hurt, give versus take, love versus hate....and have a great time living, before it's too late.

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