If God is watching us, the least we can do is be entertaining. - (I don't know who said this but their sense of humor makes me laugh inside as much as the look on Bella's face and Sofia constantly flipping her sticky hair off her neck because it was so hot, which of course Brosden and I imitated to perfection until she ordered us to stop.)
Last night I got nothing done that I told myself I "needed" to do when I got home. I promised my son I'd play ONE game of Four Square, which turned into 40 games of Fun and Ridiculous Squares, Circles, and Hearts (Sofia's favorite shape although she "can't draw them berry well yet".)
By the time we were done playing I was so sweaty and tired that I took a shower and fell into bed, unable to do any of the many things I "had" to get done.
So when I woke up today I felt as if I had failed in some way, and that the walls before me I couldn't climb yesterday were now higher higher today. Sound familiar?
I honestly wondered if I wasn't anything more than a tiny little hardworking ant, and a source of great entertainment to some God up above.
I started to question the purpose of it all, ............until I looked at these pictures and the sleeping faces of the children I had co-created into this world. (I began writing this Friday morning but ran out of time to finish).
Still, I was less than confident that I could have the energy to give to everyone and everything in my life today. I had given away too much the day before.
Then I heard this from Wayne Dyer, paraphrasing:
Sages do not collect anything. They give everything, and the more they give, the more they have to give.
- Lao Tzu from the Tao Te Ching
So my challenge today, as is all of ours, was to be a little wiser, a little more "sagier", and a lot more likely to knock down the walls before me before the walls before me collapsed down upon me.
To Be Continued.........
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