
Quantum Physics

"Why do we keep recreating the same reality? Why do we keep having the same relationships? Why do we keep getting the same jobs, over and over again? In this infinite sea of potentials that exists around us, how come we keep recreating the same realities?

Isn't it amazing that we have options and potentials that exist but we're unaware of them? Is it possible that we're so conditioned to our daily lives, so conditioned to the way that we create our lives, that we buy the idea that we have no control at all?

We've been conditioned to believe that the external world is more real than the internal world. This new science (quantum physics) says just the opposite, that what's happening within us, will create what's happening outside of us."

- from the movie, "What The %@#* Do We Know"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think it's because we don't want to go outside our comfort zone. We're comfortable with what we know. We're afraid to go out of our zone to see what's out there.
Even though it could help us grow. We could fail or get hurt. BG & M