
If You Want More, Be More

I am the boundless ocean.

This way and that,
The wind, blowing where it will,
Drives the ship of the world.

But I am not shaken.

I am the unbounded deep
In whom the waves of all the worlds
Naturally rise and fall.

But I do not rise or fall.

- Ashtavakra Gita 7:1-2
“The Heart of Awareness”

We all have boundless oceans within us. We all are much greater than we can imagine. We are even greater than that.

I saw a license plate years ago when I first began teaching. It was on a very nice car. Instead of most vanity plates that say "look at me, look at what I've done, I am important because I have an expensive car" it said.........


I was inspired by that, and decided to take that message into the classroom, and into my life.

If you want more, be more.

What we get from the world is determined by what we give. It doesn't always happen right away, but it does happen.

It's a universal law following the same natural pattern as a plant growing underground before it sprouts, a person exercising before greater strength and fitness is gained, following good financial sense before wealth is attained, and giving the time and attention our children need when they're still children.

Whatever needs to be done, DO IT!

It CAN be done, and it DOES make a difference. Not only in your life, but in the lives of those who are touched by your efforts.

This is a learned behavior. And by digging deep to read that book, carry your child or toss the frisbee, it teaches our children to hold on to their dreams, and dig deep to get them.

See yourself as a boundless ocean of desire, with unbounded depths of energy, unshaken by any stormy winds, and steadfast in your creation of an incredible and limitless world of possibility.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Easy to say....but so hard to do.
Jan from SD