
Now Who Does This Remind Me Of????

When I first saw this picture I started laughing.

Soon, I started getting an uneasy feeling in my stomach; a nagging thought that I know a kid who would actually do this ......

But why would my stomach hurt???

Oh No! It's because this kid reminds me of my own crazy, thrill-seeking son. As his father it worries me that he would want to try something like this.

Then it gets worse. This picture reminds me of myself! Now I understand why he tries these things.

When I drove my own parents crazy with worry, they said they were going to pray that I had a kid just like me.....

It looks like their prayers were answered. They must have been laughing hysterically for almost a decade now.

I quickly look around for my son to see where he is. Whew! He's sitting on the couch and watching, believe it or not, "What the Ancients Knew - The Greeks".

I lean over to kiss him and see he's taking notes on Pythagoras' theorem with a drawing he made labeled, "Zeus' Mount Olympus Death Ramp"....

.....the uneasy feeling has quickly come back.

I don't think we should educate crazy people. They become much too dangerous. Sure they may change the world by showing us the impossible is possible, but they may kill themselves doing it.

What channel has the mind-numbing cartoons?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AWESOME!Is what my Lil 6yr old stuntman said when I showed him this pic.Then he asked "Could I ride my bike down that hill?"NO I Said."How bout my skateboard?" THATS A BIG NO Roman!!He takes after Grandpa Art who grew up in San Francisco as a teenager and has taken us many times to the old neighboorhood to show us the Insane Vertical streets he bravely rode is bike down @full speed 4 thrills!In those days they didn't even wear helmets!Praise God 4 watching over him.Somehow with all Roman's talk of Motorcycles, skateboarding off ramps and his new fascination after going to the rodeo,Bullriding I have an uneasy feeling as his Mother I face many years of worries and special favors of protection in my daily prayers,for my thrill seeker son...