
Stuart's SPECTACULAR Students

I'm working on posting the many, many as-of-yet-unposted pictures I have of my students over on their site. I owe it to them for an entire year of being driven by a ridiculous madman intent on helping them feel and become unstoppable. The funny thing is, they had more fun doing and becoming than they've ever had.

They've also accomplished more academically as a group than they ever before. On more than one test they've averaged an "A" as a class average. The average student demonstrated MASTERY of the subject!

I feel confident that they are deep in the process of truly becoming Masters of Their Own Fate. Click on their link to the right, over their under the "My Name is Jack" link, to see them. Or, for all you people over 40 (which is now me), just click here.........Stuart's Spectacular Students

Share in their success. If you feel a feeling or think a thought by something you see, please let them know by clicking the "comments" at the bottom of each post. For every 100 people who think of making a comment, one does. They are finalizing their memory books tomorrow morning. Who knows? Maybe something you say will be included.

I asked them at the beginning of the year what they would do with their lives that would last forever? Maybe something you say will encourage and inspire them throughout their lifetimes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your comepletly right Mr.Stuart. I loved this year. I never thought that I could have so much fun at school. I miss last year,and you, and the class. Promise you'll teach at Southwest. It'll quickly become our favorite class.(remember, grade seven)
P.S. just because you've been alive for forty years, doesn't mean your old. It's kind of like: how do see the glass? Half empty, or half full?