Missing of Sofia
Found myself watching this clip
Remembering watching it with her before she went on her trip
Feelings of happiness tap tapping in my heart
Then waking up with a jolting start
These two dancing are really she and I
With her for me Heaven is brought down from the sky
Life isn't about trying to become famous and rich
It's about being internally rich while making this life-long trip
And when I'm holding Sofia underneath the same sky
We are both more rich than any money can buy
This has special meaning to me because I've been approached with an opportunity to become a writer for a new television show and make a salary in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.
This would require I leave teaching and possibly not being able to see and have Sofia in my everyday life.
The truth is......I already am rich and famous.
Every morning when I pick her up for school I am rich in the love the two of us share for each other.
When she puts her hand in mine crossing the parking lot I am famously alive and happy.
Breakfast in my classroom before school starts is time reserved just for her, and right now all this 8-year old wants is time with her Dad.
And every love note signed, "Love, Dadddy" she finds in her classroom mailbox means more to her than seeing his name up in lights for the rest of the world to see.
And then there's the day spent seeing every student for all the good they already are and all the great things they can so easily be.
As teens and adults we spend so much time searching for and chasing success and happiness. It's always out there in the future when something outside ourselves is achieved or happens.
As children we simply are happy and successful. We are richly and famously alive in the here and now, fully appreciating and treasuring the moments we are in.
And it is in this pure appreciation of each moment that we powerfully become the truest and highest versions of our selves.
We live and die in the blink of an eye
We can choose to use it to say, "I'm going to get mine"
Or we can choose to be our most powerful selves
Jumping up and pulling Heaven down from the sky
Sharing it with others
And telling the world of limits, "Goodbye!"
I haven't said yes.
I haven't said no
The events of 2010
have left me broke and alone
Unable to trust others
and more-or-less homeless
A friend's free spare bedroom
my few possessions rest
But by refusing to be broken and developing my gifts
2011 has arrived offering to make me famous and rich
I haven't said yes
I haven't said no
But the real meaning of life
Is what I truly know
So long as I have love
And love has me
Together we have it all
And after all...
This love is what gives life
and lasting meaning to thee
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