No matter how big and overwhelming negative situations and things can be, they can be overcome by overwhelming and bigger positivity. Case in point the horror film 28 Days. Imminent death is coming and there's nothing you can do about it.
It was so good they made a second movie but I never saw it. I thought the first one was silly not scary. If death is coming for me, I'm coming for it, and bringing an overwhelming abundance of life to meet it head on.
The imperfection of our species is that physically we don't last forever. The perfection of our species is that until that day happens, it's up to us how big we live mentally, emotionally and spiritually. We've known this for a long time. When a man died in Ancient Greece they asked one question: Did he have passion?
So if death is not scary, then living with everything you could be dead and passionless inside of you is. When we're focused on living to the fullest, we start seeing examples around us of passionate life overcoming a listless acceptance of death.
On his first reading test this student scored a 29%. He didn't care because he has accepted that he's not smart. By age 10 he's already given up, already dead.............20 days later he scored a 60%. Highest growth in the class. Now he's awake. (Julius Caesar's grave)
He makes this same growth in 20 more days and he's getting a 91%. An F to an A in 40 days. I dramatized his success by spreading my arms wide and saying, "Before the flood there was only failure. The waters rose and washed all that away. Now there is only success. Go now Noah and live your new life!"
20 days ago another student scored an 85% in science. She does care about this score and begins to break down because she is gifted and has never got less than an A on anything. But this isn't passion either, it's a very frail ego attached to an identity she must live up to where she is a "success" only as long as she is always successful.
That's a pathetic belief, not a powerful one. Failure and obstacles will constantly enter our lives, especially when you're chasing giant, full-of-life dreams. Life wants to see how badly you really want them, or if you'll give up. Most people will lower their standards and settle for what they have before ever realizing that the more they overcome, the more they become.
Because she's religious I asked her if she prays for what she doesn't want, then asked why then she's placing thoughts of what she doesn't want on the alter of her brain. I shared that her real failure is being able to control her thoughts when things aren't going well. She whispers that she's trying but is afraid.
I kneeled next to her and whispered back, "Excellent! You're being given a chance to be really alive! Can you hold on to what you want even when it makes you afraid to do it? This is the stuff life is made of. Holding on when you'd rather give up. Using your brain and spirit to create what you do want instead of allowing your fears and insecurities to take control and create what you don't. This lesson is more important than any subject you're studying right now. Learn this one fully."
She did struggle and hold on and now has the highest grade in a science class that's very demanding ("OK my little paper tigers getting your A's on basic knowledge of the scientific inquiry process - including the learning 'disabled' student I made cry on the 2nd day of school and suppossedly isn't able to learn- Now show me real ability. Tell me what each of these steps mean and show me each step in an experiment of your own").
And as proof education can prepare us for success in real life, this student's puppy got very sick over the weekend and is likely to die. I shared how before I call Grandma Bette at night I think only of her being there to answer the phone and being able to tell her how much I love her.
"That's all you think about today; going home and seeing your puppy alive and healthy. Show your love by appreciating him every day you're together, and thinking thoughts of life, not death. Because the fact is that one day my grandma won't answer the phone, and one day your puppy won't be there when you get home. How many days can we cover them in love before that one day happens? So far my count with Grandma is 1,800 to none." (about 5 years ago I started calling her everynight)
I rose and pointed my finger towards the class and bellowed "Failure runs from you! Fear hides from your strength! Doubt, darkness, and even death have no place here........Because WE are here. And WE are FULL OF LIFE!"
In the silence I think I literally felt cells splitting with brand new worlds of possibilities.
And after surgery that night, her puppy survived and is alive back at home.
1 comment:
Going to be stronger in everything I do today! Even if it's just for today.... (reminder to self....say this tomorrow too!) Have a blessed day Adam!
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