
Whatever I Am Feeling...

I am so tired. When I set my goals for the week, I shoot for at least doing a little more than before. In the first week of the new year, I accomplished 96% of my objectives. This means that in all but one area (working out) I did MORE than I ever have in my ENTIRE LIFE in the other goals.

I have done more and therefore become more than I ever have in nearly every part of my life.

But I feel very tired and stressed. How in the world can I not only do it again, but do it more? So I can either back off this week, or I can BECOME MORE...having more energy, intelligence and ability to be able to keep going and growing, and rising to another new level where accomplishing more and becoming more doesn't wear and stress me out.

But how do you just "become more" from one week to the next?

For me it comes down to a daily focus. Each morning I consciously create what I want my day to be like. Not in a "forcing" manner, but a flowing......connecting to the energy inside me with all the powerful and positive energy I can connect with elsewhere.

This is probably why I tend to be immune from the negative and draining energy sources out there (others) as well as "in here" (rising above my own ego seeking validation and affirmation from others). Those sources simply don't feel right

"Whatever I am feeling, is a perfect reflection of what is in the process of becoming." – Ester Hicks

And as tired and overwhelmed as I feel right now, I absolutely can't afford to continue feeling this way, because that's what I'll continue to get. This day I can't allow myself to connect with those negative sources that will wipe me out. I can only afford to connect with those sources that will lift me, and allow that positive energy to flow through me as powerfully as possible.

"This entire day" is too big for me right now in my weakened state. It has to come down to a "this moment" focus. The only real power I have, the only type of real control over myself and the world I affect, is right now in the present moment.

And right now I just woke up my son for our father/son walk. This is such a loving and special moment for him, letting him know that he is important, he is valued, and he is cared for.....And that alone makes me feel wonderful, incredible and capable......And once again:

"Whatever I am feeling, is a perfect reflection of what is in the process of becoming." – Ester Hicks

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