
Fill The World's Stocking

Some people are filled with baloney,
and some are filled with strife.
Some are filled with fear,

while others are filled with life.

What you are filled up with,
you fill those around you with too.

So when you fill another's stocking tonight,

be sure to fill it with all the good stuff about you.

- Adam Stuart (Christmas Eve, 2008)

*Inspired after reading and commenting 2 my last post (which I usually hav no time to do, but like 2 do very much becuz of the interaction between what i felt and what the reader received....and I like the people who comment very much).

In the past, and when people meet me for the first time, not too many believe I'm really the way I am. I hear that they think I'm full of it (and the "it" not being good :-)

I don't worry about it or take it personally, because they don't know me from Adam (always makes me chuckle inside when I say that).

Even when those who do know me have criticized me, I assume they're saying it out of hurt or an absence of trust on their part. And in all reality if I were them I would say and do the exact same thing, because I would be them, with all their same experiences that have led to all the same thoughts.

But I have to say it feels good to be fearless in the my own expression, sharing thoughts and feelings for free, without trying to get anything back, and having what I do get back so very positive.

It actually gives back to me what I've given out......which I in turn give back to the world around me.

I think it was Ghandi or Emerson who said you must be the change you wish to see in the world. If you are willing to take on that responsibility, to fill yourself with all the good things you wish there was more of in the world.........then you can actually fill the world around you with more and more of the good stuff.

Enough of us do this, and the bad stuff doesn't have a chance.

(I had been invited into Sofia's reading clubhouse, and won the "Best Reader" award, beating out all of the other dolls and stuffed animals. I say to you, Who da' man?)

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