I'm beginning the second week of Tony Horton's P90X workout. You might have seen the commercials where the guys and girls look unbelievably fit.
I met Tony while in LA last spring and got him and a few other Hollywood stars to write to the class, encouraging the students to dream and do big. That class went on to achieve almost 700% greater scores than other classes on the state reading test.......So Dreaming AND Doing BIG definitely works.
This year things are much, much worse. Out of panic more obstacles have been placed on teachers instead of less. I've never enjoyed teaching less, as the very doors they want us teachers to open have been locked chained and shackled.........which means I have to turn it around and make this year the one I enjoyed teaching the most, by blowing the doors off of limitations more than ever.
I'm receiving less net pay after child support and medical/dental deductions but because of the economy and both ex's involved in real estate, I'm paying for more and more of my children's expenses. For the first time in ten years I've felt like quitting teaching and going out and just making money............
That's why I decided to do P90X. In order to do more, I'm going to have to become more. I haven't come this close to throwing up after a workout since I was doing Navy Seal workouts ten years ago.....the last time I saw a six-pack v. having a stomach Sofia likes to jiggle.
You gotta push it sometimes....push it PAST your current limitations to expand your capabilities....because if you don't, then everything stays the same or gets worse, others still control how and what you do, and you find yourself complaining about things instead of overcoming them.
And that's just a waste of everything we really are.
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