
A Prayer for Daddy

I watched this with Sofia on my lap, twice. I won't tell you which one of us cried, and which one wrapped her arms around her Daddy's neck and held him tight, making him promise he would never leave her.

Check out this video: A Prayer For Daddy

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Thanks for the link, Brother. You are right, it is a strong work.


~~ ** SUZI ** ~~ said...

What a wonder you are! ALL of your children are blessed to have you. Your new kids have no idea what they are in for...the ride that will last a lifetime!

Your own babies KNOW they are truly blessed to have you...each and every day!!

Anonymous said...

So Touching! I couldn't stop the tears..LOVE BETWEEN Fathers/Mothers and Children is simply Beautiful.I will see My Dad in bout an hour I will be giving him an xtra long hug around his neck.(it will be my secret:)! Thank u again...D

Anonymous said...

it was so touching it gave me goose bumps