
Learning is in the Doing

Before turning students loose it is important they know what they're being turned loose to do.

Science being learned as scientists do science. Knowledge is not in books, it is in the student, waiting to be constructed by using their senses, experiences, and feelings. Ideally the textbooks are used as references for confirmation of what they've experienced. It is difficult to experience a textbook.

What does density feel like?

What's it like to divide the mass of the boat's cargo by the volume of the boat?

What does bouyancy look like?

How does it feel to have gained intellectual wealth?

What's it like to enjoy learning from failure?


Anonymous said...

Nice Captions, I thought they fit the pictures perfectly.


Anonymous said...

These pictures are really cool.

Anonymous said...

I liked that. It looked like a preview for a really speacial and good movie. Like, Coming in Chinese time: SCHOOL OF THE SAMURaI coming November 20th (My half Birthday)!Stay tuned for a preveiw......

In just 1 classroom......
One Amazing Man rises above all!
And so do his students?????

Coming to an overhead projecter near you November 20 (And soon the big screen........)

Anonymous said...

I liked that. It looked like a preview for a really speacial and good movie. Like, Coming in Chinese time: SCHOOL OF THE SAMURaI coming November 20th (My half Birthday)!Stay tuned for a preveiw......

In just 1 classroom......
One Amazing Man rises above all!
And so do his students?????

Coming to an overhead projecter near you November 20 (And soon the big screen........)

Anonymous said...

This is just a reminder: You get free tickets to Samuri School that you won on the radio. Come to room 208 on November 20 so you can redeem your ticket and free popcorn!!

Anonymous said...

KOOL!!! I look like the SHIP SANK???!!!(SOS),Oh i forgot kool pic's!! From Skyler Martin

Anonymous said...


You, Adam Stuart, are the proud holder of two tickets to the SAMURAI SCHOOL movie. Please redeem your tickets by the 20th. Now for the sweet sounds of Carry Underwood.

Doo Dee Doo Dum....

This messages was forwarded to you by Anonymouus

Anonymous said...

Poor Serena!!
I hope she doesn't strangle Summer and she probably did learn a lot!

Anonymous said...

Wow lucky! you got tickets to the Samurai School mvie! I want one. BY the way did I mention you rock?


Anonymous said...

HELLO Mr Stuarts class "HISTORY"
To learn somthink each day will enrich your life forever. life is about sharing and giving yourself. look around you and YES in your class you are standing or sitting next to someone specail. that will make a diffrence in your life so YES History is been made ever day around you
Jenny Davis Ca,

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr.Stuart,I have a question for you. If the greatest doctor in the world has a rare sickness that only he can cure,what should he or she do? By anonymos (guess who I am)

Anonymous said...

Great,great, pictures!!!! I really like them!

Anonymous said...

Density feels like fun Mr.Stuart and so are you. You rock!


Anonymous said...

Great pictures! I really like the one with Esha, Briana, Mahrukh, and me in it! You are the greatest teacher ever! (It's a fact)
Your real favorite student