Very quick weblog as I'm running off to the university.
Science was the big focus today in addition to the reading and math work. Your child has been assigned the task of taking any part of the information from Chapter 11 (matter) and teaching it to the class tomorrow. Ideas that were brainstormed were from word searches for the vocabulary to lab experiments to outdoor games to filming our own science show. This week's spelling and vocab words are going to be from Chapter 11 of the Science text. The reading test on Katie's Trunk is still this Friday.
What You Can Do
Facilitate your child's enthusiasm by asking how their project is going to teach others the material they selected in the chapter.
Math homework is Study Links 4.5 and 4.6.
What You Can Do
This is the time to check your child's papers for their notes and highlights of what they know and what they need work on.
1 comment:'re the coolest!
Go Bucks!
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