
Impossible Dreams

Sometimes dreams do come true. The bigger the dream, the bigger the "do" it takes to make it come true. After class average test scores of 64% and 72% at the beginning of this year, I told my students that I was not happy with my teaching and their performance unless the class average was an "A". I wish I had a picture of the looks they gave me. Their eyes told me I was crazy. My eyes told them it was time to get to work.

We went back to our class rules of "Dream Big, Do Big, and Be Big". In order to be bigger we had to dream so big that we believed in the "impossible". Then we had to follow it up with massive, massive action. Every morning they came in and wrote down their learning objectives based on academic weaknesses. Lessons became more individualized to turn these into strengths. The battle cry to "Change Your Life in 24 Hours" rang out in the room every day.

This week the class average was 98% on their reading test, an "A". Together we have accomplished the "impossible" in just six weeks. We gave ourselves a rousing round of applause after I told them it usually takes my classes 6 months to accomplish this "A" average.

This morning I found a story I had written about my middle school Spanish class 6 years ago. They too accomplished an "A" average. It took the entire year. This year's class is proof that Impossible Dreams ARE POSSIBLE in Impossibly Short Times by Impossibly Doing Big.

All great realities throughout history were born from impossible dreams. I now know 22 students who have what it takes to become 22 great historical figures, and I think they know it too.

It's time to take my son to his baseball game so I'll have to publish the story about my middle school class later. Also, Iszabella wants Daddy to write another poem about her so be on the look out for that. :-) (see "Kisses in the Air" for her first one - July Archives)

"It's kind of fun to do the impossible." - Walt Disney

Thank you Kieran Scholes for giving me the book "Dream Big" where this quote came from. Although your family is moving away, your impact as a great student and great person will keep you here in our hearts. I'm still your teacher should you ever need me.


Anonymous said...

A teacher's enthusiasm is the moset contagious thing in the world. Congrads to your students! And you for making them believe in themselves.
BG & M

Anonymous said...

Wow! We really acomplished alot!

Anonymous said...

This was an amazing inspiring article.It has really showed me how I can inprove myself if I put my mind to it.Keep writing.Dream big Do big Be big

Anonymous said...

You are an inspiration to everyone around, your writings tell it all. great job. Our outstanding.


Anonymous said...

Hello!It is I, your favorite student,again,I wrote a joke to,Iam inspierd and when I walk out of the classroom(boohoo!) i will be thinking-no, knowing-that I can do what I want to do and be the buzzsaw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You have given me confidence and I don't lie! Just to make sure you know, here's my reply, we are going to be big even though you kind of already are,no matter what happens we will go very far, but like I said, we're going to BE BIG no matter what the weather and as you know, we'll do it together. From, slouched over kid P.S, that means Devan